
CircleExtrusion {
  eventIn SFFloat    set_crossSectionRadius
  eventIn SFInt32    set_crossSectionSides
  eventIn MFRotation set_orientation
  eventIn MFVec2f    set_scale
  eventIn MFVec3f    set_spine
  field   SFBool     beginCap            TRUE
  field   SFBool     ccw                 TRUE
  field   SFFloat    creaseAngle         0                # [0, ∞)
  field   SFFloat    crossSectionRadius  1                # (0, ∞)
  field   SFInt32    crossSectionSides   16               # [3, ∞)
  field   SFBool     endCap              TRUE
  field   MFRotation orientation         0 0 1 0          # [−1, 1], (−∞, ∞)
  field   MFVec2f    scale               1 1              # (0, ∞)
  field   SFBool     solid               TRUE
  field   MFVec3f    spine               [ 0 0 0, 0 1 0 ] # (−∞, ∞)


The default instantiation of the CircleExtrusion. Watch it spin. Oooohh.
CircleExtrusion Preview

The CircleExtrusion is basically like an Extrusion, except the cross-section is specified in terms of a radius and number of sides.
